February 25, 2025

This is how you give a bad conference presentation

👎🏼 Winging it

👎🏼 No visuals or images

👎🏼 No audience interaction

👎🏼 Bullet points in tiny tiny text

👎🏼 Reading straight from your notes

👎🏼 Reading your notes word for word

👎🏼 Not telling stories or using examples

👎🏼 No vocal variety or physical movement

👎🏼 Sharing content that's not relevant to your attendees

👎🏼 Sharing content that's not practical or useful to your participants

👎🏼 Straight lecture with no questions for or collaboration with the audience

👎🏼 Copying and pasting AI content without revising to sound like it came from you

👎🏼 Looking down at your paper instead of making eye contact with the audience

👎🏼 Forgetting that humor is a form of emotional engagement that attendees welcome

👎🏼 Focusing entirely on data and statistics at the expense of emotional engagement

👎🏼 Saying exactly what's on your slides that the audience can already read with their own eyes

👎🏼 Not researching your audience in advance so your presentation is canned and not tailored

👎🏼 Slides that are patchworked together from other presentations with multiple sizes and styles of fonts and colors

👎🏼 Going over your time because you didn't prepare properly (and now they're late for lunch or their pee break)

What did I miss?

Speaking at conferences is an excellent way to get known and respected for your expertise in your field.

But it's not enough to just be smart, and you can't just recite information and expect your participants to absorb it.

If you want them to walk away and DO something with the information you're giving them, you'll need to do more than just stand in the front of the room and read from a paper.

🔮 Planning your conference presentations for 2025? 

🌟🌟 Presenters: Hit me up for one-on-one coaching and let's get that presentation conference-ready.

🌟🌟 MeetingPlanners: I can help prepare your speakers. Let's talk!

On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!

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