How can I help?

What am I good at? How can I help? Especially from afar, from my living room, from my laptop? (Which, honestly, is my favorite place to be...)
🗣 I can continue to support your speaking efforts, even (especially) if now your speaking engagements are virtual.🗣
If you have time on your hands because your engagements have canceled; if you're working remotely and your commute is now from the bedroom to the kitchen table; or if you're home with the kids and need a "business break" while they're doing an assignment, I've got some options for you.
Prices reduced:
👀 I've reduced prices 💰 or switched over to "choose your price" on my virtual programs temporarily, to make it easier for those in my community who want to use this time for some business and speaking growth.
These programs include:
Go Virtual: Take Your Training From Stage to Screen
Presentation Foundation Quickstart Kit
Create Your Own Exercises: Transform Your Audiences From Spectators to Participants
Speaking Success Checklist Bundle
I also want to remind you of my free offerings:
🌟My book, Presenting for Humans: Insights for Speakers on Ditching Perfection and Creating Connection (free temporarily)
🌟My blog, Speak Schmeak (over 1,500 posts on public speaking since 2006)
🌟Easy Speaker Proposal Template and tracking sheet
🌟Articles on LinkedIn
🌟Podcast and other interview audios
I offer a wide range of free and low-cost tools for speakers to build skills and confidence, to learn how to engage and serve your audiences, and to make the greatest impact on those you serve, and I hope you find these helpful and practical!
Many entrepreneurs and business leaders are reassessing our business models right now, to make our businesses more robust and diversified, and I'm looking at my offerings as well to make sure I'm hitting the areas my community members need.
If there's something I'm not offering that would help you develop particular skills, please let me know!
And don't miss my next training on Thursday, May 7, "8 Steps to Ditching Perfection and Creating Connection." This affordable training is jam-packed with tips to help you get past the need for perfection and to set you up for success with your presentations.
Your audiences need you - now. Don't hold back! Kick perfection to the curb and release your genius!
Live speaking engagements will come back. This is a temporary setback. Make the most of your skills and experience NOW. And if you're so inclined, there is also work to be done to move forward.
Take care of yourself, my friends!
P.S. I have debated making some programs free. I'm just not in a position to do this, and as my business coach reminded me the other day, "Continuing to charge for our services is the only way we are going to stay afloat and save the economy. It's all a ripple." I honor every small business's struggle to keep going right now and I'm doing my best to support those I can. I hope you find my reduced-price options beneficial!
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
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