February 20, 2020

Did you get your free gift?

Hey peeps! I created a new free offering last year and I want to make sure you got yours!

In case this fell through the cracks, here's the info on my new-ish Easy Speaker Proposal Template and tracking sheet!

Are you a business or nonprofit leader or entrepreneur who wants to speak at more conferences and events—but submitting speaking proposals is a mind-numbing time and energy drain? It doesn't have to be!

My Easy Speaker Proposal Template will:

🧰Tell you exactly what you need to put into your speaker proposal and

🧰Allow you to collect and gather all of your information in one place, for each topic you speak on...

...so that every time you fill out a proposal, all of your material is right at your fingertips!

Why reinvent the wheel every time you submit a speaking proposal to a conference or event?

You'll get your fill-in-the-box speaker proposal template, a tracking sheet for staying on top of deadlines, and a short video explaining exactly what everything on the template is about.

Also: Many conference applications refer to Bloom's Taxonomy as a guide to using the most descriptive learning words to describe your session, so I've included your own Bloom's Taxonomy guide so you don't have to spend any time Googling and trying to figure this out!

If you haven't yet grabbed your template and other goodies, you'll find them here: Easy Speaker Proposal Template downloads.

On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!

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