Your voice matters

But those aren't good enough reasons not to vote!
Now, how about your actual voice? What are you dying to express? What do you have to say that will make a difference in the world if only enough people hear you?
Do you have a cause that you fiercely believe in, that you're passionate about, that needs more visibility and attention?
Does your business do transformational work and you're looking for the right words to express what you do?
Are you tired of playing it safe, holding yourself back, retreating from the limelight, instead of advancing the conversation about your cause and forging ahead?
I have so many colleagues and friends who long to be real, to share their passions and to speak up about their core beliefs and convictions.
But they're afraid.
They're afraid that being real and speaking out about injustice, oppression and discrimination (for example) will hurt their businesses. They fear alienating potential clients and customers. They don't want to hurt their friends and families' feelings with their opinions.
Maybe this sounds like you. Well, hear this: Your voice matters.
There are people who need to hear you. There are people who will be influenced by your ideas, people whose attitudes or behaviors will not change until they hear YOU.
I know it sounds crazy to think that there are people out there who are waiting just for what you have to say, but it's true. How do I know this? Because every single person who chooses to be heard and seen, believed and trusted, has influenced someone. Just look around you.
Who's influenced you? Someone in your personal or professional circle? Someone you admire from afar? Someone you follow on Instagram (she doesn't even have to be an "influencer")?
You've got the secret sauce, so what's it going to take to break down the barriers that you've created for yourself? Because you're the only one standing in the way of YOU.
Yep, sometimes you feel small, you feel powerless, and you feel disheartened.
Those aren't good enough reasons to keep your mouth shut.
Share your story. Write your manifesto. Submit that speaking proposal. Upload that article. Get your thoughts and opinions out there. Yes, on social media, too. (And don't forget to vote!)
Now is the time.
Your audience is waiting.
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
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