May 30, 2014

My favorite easy conference networking tip

Here's a simple networking tip if you, like me, dread walking into rooms full of strangers. When I'm at a conference by myself, this tip is gold. Take a look. 

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4 comments. Please add yours! :

Donitta Booth said...

I think I have talent, but can always improve by building skills.

Lisa Braithwaite said...

Exactly, Donitta!

Ian Cunliffe said...

Hey Lisa,

I really like this approach. Networking is not an easy thing for many people, and does require us to have a little bit of courage in order to reach out and connect with those around us. I know many people are quite shy and hesitant to take risks in a social setting, but the truth is, you don't have to take any big leaps. Most of the magic in life occurs when we just take a tiny step outside our comfort zone, much in the manner that you are describing. It doesn't really matter what field you are in - regularly challenging yourself in small ways to become comfortable with being a little uncomfortable is one of the best ways for a person to grow and connect with the world around them.

Lisa Braithwaite said...

It's all about baby steps, isn't it? :-)

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