PresentationCampLA puts the audience in charge!

On Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., participants will gather at BlankSpaces in Los Angeles for a unique collaborative experience: creating a public speaking conference from scratch. The group will decide collectively at the start of the day which topics they would like to hear about, who will teach them, and the order of sessions for the day.
After pitching topics and group voting, speakers will break out into sessions for presentations and discussion, involving fellow participants and speakers in the creative process.
“PresentationCamp will help you hone your message, build your confidence, and present yourself and your ideas with style!” says Cliff Atkinson, author of “Beyond Bullet Points” and PresentationCampLA organizer.
“For only $10 – a great value in tough economic times – participants get access to some of the top presentation coaches in the world!”
Possible session topics include “Storyboarding 101,” “Embrace Twitter in Your Presentation,” “How to Get Your Book Published by a Real Publisher,” “Using Toys For Fun and Effective Learning,” and “Kill the People: Using Comedy and Truth to Slay ‘Death by PowerPoint’.”
At PresentationCampLA, everyone participates in some manner: presenting, leading a discussion, showcasing a best practice, or sharing their experiences. Others help with logistics, securing sponsorships, organizing sessions, or setting up/cleaning up. This is a self-organizing collaborative event that is designed be a fun, rewarding and a unique experience.
PresentationCampLA is a great opportunity for participants to learn from, teach to, and network with professionals involved in improving presentations in the Los Angeles area – and around the world!
PresentationCampLA website
Register here
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2 comments. Please add yours! :
That sounds exciting. Do you know how long it took for this project to go from concept to actual event?
Marcus, I don't know how long before I got involved Cliff Atkinson and Colleen Wainwright had been talking about it, but the three of us had our first informal planning meeting on April 13. We had the first formal planning meeting with a few others on April 25.
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