How do public speaking skills advance your career?

An excerpt:
"Benefit #6: You are a better listenerNow go read about all the benefits that come before and after these two!
Poor presenters: They are too concerned about their own presentation mishaps to listen attentively to the audience.
You: Presentation skills are not only about what you say; it’s about how you listen. With a heightened sense of how to convey a message to your audience, you have also developed keen listening skills. Listening effectively to your audience makes you a better listener at all times. This, in turn, makes you more approachable…
Benefit #7: You are more approachable
Poor presenters: They may welcome the idea of interacting with others, but they are not seen as approachable because their presentations are always always one-sided information dumps, not conversations.
You: You are more approachable because you “put yourself out there” more often. You design your presentations to be interactive conversations. You encourage Q&A during and after your presentations. Colleagues will come to you first with ideas and opportunities because they know you are receptive to listening to them."
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