Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges! Guest post by Lee Potts

I’m not even sure what you would have called what they had me doing back then. Production assistant maybe? I was wearing headphones, hanging at the front of the room herding speakers. The technical director and the rest of the crew communicated with the speakers through me once the meeting started. I was also responsible for giving each of them a quick visual check before they took the stage.
Ostensibly, I was making sure they took off their name badges and turned on their lavalier microphones. The badges needed to come off because the stage lighting tended to reflect off the plastic holders and the flashing could be distracting for the audience. I was also told to discretely check for a couple other things — making sure everyone had their fly up, for instance (I kid you not).
Having someone to do this sort of stuff made things a lot easier for the speakers and let them focus on speaking, not on the necessary last-second minutiae. Unfortunately, not every event can provide this level of luxury. That means if you're a presenter, you usually need to fill that role yourself.
Develop and memorize a very brief pre-presentation checklist, something you can quickly rattle off to yourself while you’re waiting to be introduced that captures all those little things that can make presenting difficult if overlooked or forgotten: zipper zipped, badge removed, water bottle, laser pointer, speaking notes, glasses, etc. Remind yourself to smile and make eye contact. Ritualize it. Make it habit.
You may also want to consider a post-presentation checklist. Two quick suggestions to start the list off: remember to leave the remote control at the podium for the next speaker and put your badge back on.
For more helpful posts like this one, check out Lee's blog, Breaking Murphy's Law.
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