Job interviews: two quick tips

But I have two simple tips today that I promise will put you slightly more at ease in an interview setting.
1. You are not the only one in the hot seat.
Your brain is screaming, "Pick me! Pick me!" But you are evaluating them as much as they are evaluating you. You may need a job, but they need an employee (or intern, or consultant). It's great if they pick you, but you have to want to pick them, too.
2. It's a mutual fact-finding mission.
They will have a lot of questions prepared in order to determine if you'll be a good fit with their institution. Don't forget to have your own questions prepared so you can find out if they're a good fit for you.
You are not at the mercy of the interviewers, and it's not just their decision to make. Both the candidate and the interviewer are trying to find the best match to their needs.
Have confidence in your own ability to evaluate your evaluators, and remember that you are making a decision, too.
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7 comments. Please add yours! :
This is so true. Most people feel as though they're the only ones passing the interview. I see it so many times with clients I consult. It's important to put this in persepctive. both parties are shopping for the right fit and service. Thanks for this article.
Thank you for your comment, Ms Lucy. I like your concept of "shopping."
True! I had two interviews a couple weeks back, for different jobs on the same day. Afterwards, I decided that I didn't actually want the second job. They hadn't presented themselves well in the interview and I was concerned about structure and the team environment (it was a group of 5 people interviewing, out of a 7-person department, so I had a good sampling).
Not that they were bad people, they just didn't sell me on it.
Fortunately, the first group must've liked me as much as I liked them, because I'm starting there Monday. :)
Nice to hear from you -- it's been a while! And congratulations on finding the right fit!
Hi Lisa,
I really like you tips. It's really true.
Please check out for more tips.
The interviewee really needs to get a good understanding of his talents, skills, and experience. A lot of self-analysis and soul-searching need to be done before the interview. When one has done his homework on himself, he can feel confident that he has bargaining power and the privilege of choosing.
What good is it to get onboard a job if it is not a good fit, a step in growing one's career? In a short time, he will find himself interviewing again.
Thank you for adding the concept of doing homework on yourself, Teresa. Why do all your research on the company, but not have a clear idea of who you are and what you actually want?
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