Using a lectern: do or don't?

Okay, that's a little harsh. And I'm the first to admit that I hate absolute rules about public speaking. It's most important to use the tools that work for you and your audience.
But using a lectern is problematic for several reasons.
1. It creates a physical and psychological barrier between you and the audience.
2. It restricts your movement and obscures your body language (unless you're using one of these).
3. It's too tempting to lean on the lectern or grasp its sides for comfort.
A lectern is great for holding your notes or hiding your props. Otherwise, it's best to avoid standing behind it.
What about those times when the only microphone is attached to the lectern? If you must use a lectern, follow these tips:
1. Only speak when you are looking at the audience. Of course, you must look down to find your next idea or point, but don't speak while you're doing it. This is an example of why preparation and practice are so important. If you don't know your next point, you'll spend a lot of time looking up and down.
2. Keep your arms and hands loose, and avoid gripping or leaning on the lectern. You can rest your hands lightly on the lectern, so they're in a logical place from which to make gestures.
3. Make your gestures visible to the audience. If you use small gestures, they will be hidden behind the lectern. Be aware of the visibility of your body, and bring your gestures up or out to a place where the audience can see them.
4. Make sure to adjust the microphone to the proper height and distance away from you. If someone speaks before you, you might have to make the adjustment at the beginning of your talk, and it's fine to adjust it as you're speaking.
And while I'm on the subject, let me remind you that a lectern is not a podium. You stand on a podium; you stand behind a lectern.
The word "podium" derives from the Latin podium, "elevated place," or "balcony" and from the Greek podion "foot." In the mid 20th century, "podium" came to refer to the "platform or dais at the front of a hall or stage, especially one occupied by the conductor of an orchestra." (From the OED.)
Are you brave enough to come out from behind the lectern?
More on lecterns here:
Another reason to avoid the lectern
The great lectern debate
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3 comments. Please add yours! :
I agree 100%! In all of my years of speaking and watching many, many other speakers (polished and not) - The podium works well for very few...and I'm not one of them. I have found that I am more nervous because I am forced to try and communicate without as much movement. I like to move around, move closer to different areas of my audience, and I like to watch a speaker that does the same. A small table, slightly below waist height is my preference for placing notes, props, water etc.
Speaking of water...Lisa, maybe you could write a post sometime on proper etiquette for drinking water while speaking. I have watched people get nervous, and "dry-throated", and stop to take a drink mid sentance...creating a strange uncomfortable silence in the room. Just a thought...
Thanks for your comment, Brandon. I'll think about a post on drinking etiquette.
Don't slurp!
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