19 years

The decision to get married was easy; my parents said, "If you're going to get married, do it while we have the money to pay for it."
Shortly thereafter, Bub and I looked at each other and said, "Wanna?" "Okay." And here we are today!
As you might guess, we are not traditionally romantic, but our romantic gestures have a style all their own. My fifteenth anniversary gift was a tattoo.
Together over the years we've:
Drunk thousands of cups of tea
Watched countless reruns of Seinfeld, Kids in the Hall and Arrested Development
Gained and lost over 100 pounds
Dreamed up 25 business ideas...still in progress
Acquired 12 nieces and nephews
Parented eight cats
Bought and sold eight cars
Traveled to four countries and nine states
Lived in three homes (the current one for 16 years)
Nursed each other back to health from various accidents, minor surgeries and most recently, second-degree burns
Given in to age and become eyeglass-wearers
Tried to outdo each other with our aches and pains
And owned one VCR, a wedding gift that still sits below our TV
Here's to many more years of fun and adventure! And not too many more aches and pains.
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2 comments. Please add yours! :
Congrats! :)
May I offer my sincere congratulations. A successful long-term relationship speaks volumes for both parties. How fortunate you two are.
P.S. Side note: Your poll results are looking interesting!
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