How do you read Speak Schmeak?
There are three ways you can keep up to date with Speak Schmeak:
1. Come to this site every day to see if I've posted.
2. Get updates delivered to your inbox by entering your e-mail address into the box in the sidebar.
3. Get updates in a reader by clicking on the little orange square button in the sidebar.
What's a "reader," you ask?
If you like to read a lot of blogs and want to organize them all in one place (either online or on your desktop), you need a feed reader, aka newsreader or aggregator.
Popular web-based feed readers include Google Reader (that's what I use), Bloglines, My Yahoo, and others. Search for "feed reader" in Google and you'll find a bunch.
The cool thing about a feed reader is that all your favorite blogs are in one place, and you can instantly see which ones have new posts. You can save posts that you like, share them with friends, organize them into folders by custom categories, and more.
Here's a snapshot of my feed reader (click on the image to see it full-size):

It's super easy and saves me a ton of time. If you don't yet have a reader and find yourself going to several blogs a day, then it's time to set yourself up!
Tell me in the comments: How do you read Speak Schmeak? Feed reader? E-mail subscription? On the Speak Schmeak site?
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14 comments. Please add yours! :
Ooh look - I'm in there!
Thanks, Lisa!
Always in Google Reader. It updates auto-magically, easy to read, and when I want to post a comment, or read other comments I just click on the header.
Thanks for the great content!
You mean there's another way to read it besides subscribing to the feed? ;)
IHMO, feed subscription is the only long term, viable way to keep up with what's happening.
But then again, I'm a news hound and subscribe to close to a thousand feeds, so...
(It's not an addiction.. it's... not... an... it's ... sigh...)
Thanks for sharing. Keep the comments coming!
And Nick, you didn't answer the question!
Love the Google reader myself.
Hey Lisa,
I used to come to your blog every and see if you'd posted but I read my fave blogs every morning. With me being in the Eastern time zone (with you in the Pacific) I would always have to go back to your blog later in the day. Now I RSS you into Mac Mail! It has saved me a BUNCH of time and I never miss any of your posts!
Ok, Lisa, to answer your question...
I visit the site every day. You post pretty much every daily - even on conflagration days - and at practically the same time (I could set my clocks by you:D)
Ooh! I'm in there too!
And you're in mine too Lisa. Google Reader all the way ...
Google Reader.
It is the only way to keep up with all the blogs out there.
Wow, lots of Google Reader fans! I was a Bloglines user for a while, then something went wrong and I switched to Google. Turns out nothing was wrong with Bloglines; it was my computer. Oh well!
I also do the Google reader. But I usually read your posts twice. Yes I am one of your overachieving clients. Moo ha ha.
Gold star for Tony!
I have recently added you to google reader and am in process of dissecting your archives for all the wonderful material you've written! I know that I will find all manner of words of wisdom that will carry over into my teaching (I teach fifth grade).
Thank you, Eric. I hope you find lots of useful stuff here!
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