Note to my commenters

Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you? You help give life to this blog. Without you, I would be talking to the air.
Sure, I have other readers and subscribers who don't comment, but those of you who do leave comments continue the discussion and bring new perspectives to the topics I write about. So thank you!
Now I have a request for you.
Please leave me some information about yourself - e-mail, website, blog, somewhere I can find out who you are and how to contact you. Some of you do enter your blog urls, but then have no about page or contact information on your blog. Some of your blogs are completely anonymous, without even your name.
I like to learn about the people who read my blog and sometimes have a conversation outside the blog, but that's hard to do if you're a mystery person!
I understand if you don't want anyone to contact you. But consider what Denise Wakeman, co-founder of The Blog Squad and owner of Build a Better Blog, had to say recently in the SpeakerNet News newsletter about being visible as a blogger:
"The About page is one of the most-read pages on a blog. Why? Your readers want to know who you are! They want to connect with you and know you as a person, not an anonymous blogger.
The About page is your opportunity to tell your story. It’s where you tell readers (in the first person) about your passions, your expertise and how you can serve them.
Some things you want to consider addressing in your About Page:
Who is the blog for?
What is your connection to this group of people?
What makes you an expert in this niche?
Why did you start your blog?
What do you hope readers get out of your blog?
Reminder: include a way for readers to contact you. It is so frustrating to find someone you want to connect with and there’s either no name and/or no contact info. And please, make sure you include a picture on your blog. Again, it’s about making a connection with your prospects and readers.
If you’re seriously in business, remember a blog is a marketing tool. Make it easy for prospects to get to know you and contact you."
I admit that I'm less likely to take a blog seriously if the blogger seems to be in hiding and doesn't want anyone to know who s/he is. Please consider coming out of hiding and owning your expertise. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to know more about you!
Photo credit: Pablo Duarte
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
7 comments. Please add yours! :
You probably have this information through linkedin, but I will start the ball rolling my leaving my about page:
Hi, Lisa
I am Connie Ragen Green,a writer and ebook writing mentor. My blog is at Come on over anytime. Denise and Patsi are two of my favorites. We are co-mentees of Tom Antion. I have been here before and love what you're doing.
Nice to meet you, Connie!
Hi Lisa,
I've been reading your blog for a while ow but only recently built up the courage to comment for the first time. My name is Debora Gallo and I'm a corporate trainer - i love your blog as it has great tips for improving my facilitation skills. I'm also really interested in e-learning and i'm trying to steer my career down that way.
I've recently started my blog - you can find it at
Hey Deb, I'm so glad you decided to start commenting! And congrats on your new blog!
Hi Lisa. I subscribe to your RSS feed, but have only commented once before. I'm a technology coordinator and do a lot of presentations on integrating technology into education, so my interest in your message is both as a presenter and as someone who teaches others how to use PowerPoint. My website is
Thanks for introducing yourself, Debbie!
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