Speaker magazine

Here's some of the excellent content I found in the November issue:
* Book reviews on The 4-Hour Workweek, The It Factor, and I Hate Networking
* An article by someone who hires speakers, sharing her philosophy on learning
* A way to interview your audience members to add humor to your presentation
* "Five secrets to make your words resonate like the great orators of history"
* How to exhibit at a trade show
Here's an excerpt from an article by communication strategist Richard Greene:
"Do you have authentic passion? Ask yourself one question before you ever write or give another speech. What is it about this topic that I am truly passionate? When you find the answer, go in that direction. If you don't get an answer, find another topic!"
In the September issue, an article that had a big impact on me was one about how to minimize the risks in four areas that could ruin your business: liability, over-concentration, cash flow and disruption. This article couldn't have come at a better time as I take on a new client that will bring in a large percentage of my income this year.
Here's a quote I enjoyed in an article about Christopher Cox, chairman of the SEC:
"I was in Congress for more than 17 years and gave almost every kind of speech one can imagine. There were enormous gatherings, and small ones; formal occasions and club meetings and roasts and ribbon cuttings; indoor and outdoor venues, in the United States and abroad; and both happy and sad occasions.
But all that experience doesn't guarantee you'll be a good speaker. After all, we all know people who've played golf all their lives and can't break 80.
It does, however, make it likely that you can relax when you're giving a speech, be yourself and enjoy it. That's certainly true for me."
Subscribe to Speaker Magazine here.
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
3 comments. Please add yours! :
I explain to newbies that Toastmasters is where you can learn how to speak. NSA is where you can learn about the business of speaking.
Here are some more professional speaking resources:
Here are some speaking resources:
--Statistics on the professional speaking and meeting industries.
--Harvey Mackay-35 Ways to Stay Alive. In the course of speaking to innumerable audiences all over the world, Mackay has gleaned invaluable tips and tricks for giving speeches in any setting. He shares them here in his "35 To Stay Alive."
--SpeakerNet News ezine.
--Speak & Grow Rich, Dottie Walters.
--Speaking Coaching by Patricia Fripp.
--Media Coaching by Joel Roberts.
--Dan Poynter's speaking site. Example of an online media kit, etc.
--Tom Antion's Speaking Resources
--F.ree reports on public speaking skills. See
--Sandra Schrift's Speaking FAQs.
--BarksBlog. Tips on speaking and the media industry by Ed Barks
eBarks@BarksComm.com +1-540-955-0600
--Professional Speaker to Speaker online discussion group (Listserv).
--Speaker Tools from Bill Johnson
--National Speakers Association.
Also see
Statistically Speaking. Fascinating numbers on the Professional Speaking industry.
Dan Poynter, Author (120+ books), Publisher (since 1969), Speaker (CSP).
Para Publishing, PO Box 8206, Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206 USA.
Tel: +1-805-968-7277; Mobile: +1-805-448-9009.
DanPoynter@ParaPublishing.com, http://ParaPublishing.com
Those points are fantastic, you can use them for all sorts of marketing strategies as well.
Thanks for the great resources, Dan!
Susie, I agree that many public speaking concepts are interchangeable with marketing concepts!
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