If you believe in something, you can talk about it

All my life I have been very, very shy. To get in front of a crowd drives me nuts, but I have a message to deliver.
When I talk to people, I have one thing on my mind: How can I help that person - that woman, that young kid, that person with arthritis - how can I help those people to help themselves?" ~ Jack LaLanne
Here's an article about the immortal Jack LaLanne from 1995.
Did you know Jack LaLanne opened the first health club in the US - in 1936?
"The doctors were against me – they said that working out with weights would give people heart attacks and they would lose their sex drive. Women would look like men and even varsity coaches predicted that their athletes would get muscle bound and banned them from lifting weights. I had to give these athletes keys so they could come in at night and work out in my gym."
He turned 93 this year. A pioneer in his field, known as "The Godfather of Fitness," and even after all these years, Jack LaLanne is not entirely comfortable in front of a crowd.
Says Jack, "Anything in life is possible and you can make it happen."
Words to live by!
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4 comments. Please add yours! :
I guess as the years go by we can see who was right and who was wrong.
Did you know back in the 30's doctors used to prescribe cigarettes to help patients learn to relax?
So true, Jacki!
The occasional cigarette is no problem jacki. Nicotine does relax you - fact.
Injured soldiers in conflicys found relief in a cigarette offered by a colleague.
You need to watch some war films (movies)jacki.
I love reading about people who remained true to what they believed in, despite opposition. Jack LaLanne was a pioneer for sure! He was absolutely right about the benefits of weights.
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