August 3, 2007

Oh where, oh where has my Meebo gone?

Another strange thing. My Meebo widget has disappeared, and I can't get onto the Meebo website to figure out what happened (I still have the code in my template). The only other person I know using Meebo is Scott Ginsberg, and I can't see his widget either. Is it just me, or has Meebo disappeared? Any other Meebo users out there?

Uh oh, I see it in IE, but not Firefox. Help! Haloscan may be going back in its box. . .

ETA: Bye bye Haloscan. That was the quickest-ending love affair I ever had with an application. I like messing around with code as much as the next person, but this was ridiculous. Not only did all my comments and Meebo disappear, but so did my page elements button in Blogger, my Adsense ads and all my feeds in Bloglines! What the heck?

Back to business as usual, and thanks for your patience as I work through my blogging learning curve!

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