Comments make the world go 'round

I decided to post every day this month (thanks to Donna at Virtual Voice), and so far I've been successful! 6 days to go - can I make it? We'll see.
Posting every day is way more fun when I get comments! Not that I don't enjoy posting - you already know I could talk to myself till the end of time and still not run out of things to say.
I know you're out there, subscribers and readers, and I'd love to hear from you!
Believe me, I know how it is - sometimes I'm reading a blog that I find really interesting, but I feel uncomfortable leaving a comment. Maybe I don't know the blogger, or I think I don't have anything valuable to add to the discussion, or maybe there are fifty comments already and I don't think anyone will notice mine. Does this sound familiar? In fact, it's a little bit like stage fright. . .
Why not come out from hiding and leave me a comment? You're virtually anonymous here. I won't bite (unless you're rude or perverted - then I'll just delete you), and I'd love to hear what you have to say. Was there a post this month that you wanted to respond to, but didn't?
You don't even have to be brilliant or witty (although I know you are). What have you got to lose?
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2 comments. Please add yours! :
I found your site through your Squidoo Lens, as I'm looking for ways to improve my speaking voice and manner. Right now I'm working through "The Sound of Your Voice," and I have to tell you, it seems very daunting right now.
On your lens, you recommend Beyond Bullet Points. I wonder if you have read "Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story" and could recommend one over the other.
Hi Cam - nice to "meet" you!
Good luck with your voice work! Dr. Morton Cooper's books are also very good. Read Scott Adams' (the Dilbert cartoonist) post about his work with Dr. Cooper on his spasmodic dysphonia:
I haven't read "Presenting to Win", yet, but it's on my list. I have to say that "Beyond Bullet Points" has become my "bible." I'm a big fan of the three-act story template format - perhaps because of my theater background. :-)
Atkinson's book is easy to understand with simple steps to follow, which is why I recommend it. But there are a lot of great books out there. I guess it depends on what you're trying to accomplish with your presentation and which approach works best for you.
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