June 27, 2007

Making new friends

If you feel uncomfortable in situations where you don't know anybody (wedding, holiday party, networking event, etc.), check out Scott Ginsberg's e-book "55 Great Questions to Ask Someone You Just Met."

You'll be asked to enter your e-mail address, but once you do, you'll have access to a treasure trove of materials for better communication, customer service, approachability, and just getting along with people. If you can't find the document this way, go to Scott's site and click on "Scott's Articles." The "55 Questions" e-book is near the bottom of the list.

Also, read my article "Quaking in Your Slingbacks: How to Mix and Mingle Your Way Through the Dreaded Holiday Party" published in Woman Magazine, about how to handle meeting new people at a social event. The article focuses on a holiday party, but applies to just about any situation where you're meeting new people in a social environment.

Now go make some friends!

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